Tag archives for: How to Reverse a Fridge Door

Presenter For The Day – My Foray in to Being on Screen

As you may have noticed if you’ve read previous posts, I have assumed a role as one of the presenters of our How-To videos. Now this isn’t a natural progression for me, it had not been part of my plan to go all Dave Benson Phillips. In fact, just two months ago, I’d have described myself as a camera shy fellow who’d never dream of doing anything like that. However after some gentle, coaxing assurances from co-workers I decided to give it a crack. Why not I thought, hopefully these videos will give people more confidence to fit spare parts themselves – they seem to have responded positively to Helen, Matt and the gang’s work.

With this in mind I headed to my first shoot, ‘How to reverse a fridge door’ – but it did nothing to calm my nerves and I was all ums and ahs and what-am-I-doings for the first few takes. Soon after though, under the tutelage of Helen, queen of the Fix It Yourself video, and cool hand Gabe, super director, I was feeling relaxed and getting in to the groove. In fact, I was really enjoying myself. The words started flowing easier and we got in to the nitty gritty of hinges, doors and the rest.

I’ve since fronted a few more videos, and hope that I can continue doing so. Mostly though, I hope they’ll help people to fix it themselves.

Presenter For The Day – My Foray Into Being on Screen

As you may have noticed if you’ve read previous posts, I have assumed a role as one of the presenters of our How-To videos. Now, this isn’t a natural progression for me, it had not been part of my plan to go all Dave Benson Phillips. In fact, just two months ago, I’d have described myself as a camera-shy fellow who’d never dream of doing anything like that. However, after some gentle, coaxing assurances from co-workers, I decided to give it a crack. Why not I thought, hopefully these videos will give people more confidence to fit spare parts themselves – they seem to have responded positively to Helen, Matt and the gang’s work.

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