How To Deal With Your Broken Stuff Guilt Free
November 30, 2018 | Repair, Re-use & Recycle | No comments
Have you ever thrown something away and felt guilty? If so you can do one of two things. You can squash that guilt down and try to ignore it, only to have it crop up again every time you hear a news story about global warming or ocean pollution. Or you can embrace that guilt and use it to positively change what you do with your broken items.
Your skills could be the answer (or at least help) to save the planet.
Have a read of our eSpares Skills Code below to see if it is something you could live by in the future.
The eSpares Skills Code
I will use my skills
– I will use my skills and resources to repair my broken stuff whenever I can.
– When something I own breaks I will try to repair it.
– If I do not have the skills to repair it myself I will try and learn them.
– I will look up repairs advice online.
– I will share the skills I have with others to help them fix their broken items.
I will use the skills of people I know
– I will ask family and friends how to repair my broken stuff.
– I will take their advice and learn from it.
– If they offer to repair it for me I will watch the repair, ask questions and do what I can to be hands-on and help.
– I will work together with the people I know to take on their skills and have a go myself.
I will use the skills of professionals
– If I cannot repair it myself and there is no-one I know that can repair it I will enlist the help of a professional.
– I will research the problem so I don’t pay too much or replace what doesn’t need to be replaced.
– I will ask questions about the details and causes of the problem so I can recognise and avoid it in the future.
I will be resourceful with my skills
– If my broken stuff cannot be repaired I will consider alternative uses for it.
– I will see if it can be upcycled or used for a different purpose.
– I will give it away to someone else who may have a use for it.
– I will responsibly recycle my broken stuff that absolutely cannot be fixed.
– I will use my knowledge to buy new stuff that’s made to last.
– I will find out how best to look after my new stuff so that it lasts as long as possible.
I will remember that every new skill I learn can be re-used and shared for a lifetime and will have a hugely positive impact on our planet.
Think the eSpares Skills Code is something you can commit to? Screenshot, favourite or print this page to have it handy the next time something breaks.
If you’d like to get better about not throwing things away, but you need a little more motivation, our article about electronic waste and some specific ways it can be avoided could be a good place to start!