Hack things better with Sugru
February 26, 2010 | DIY & Home Improvement | No comments
Sugru is a really cool new product that I’ve been boring my colleagues about for a couple of months now. It’s a silcone moulding clay/glue that you can shape to fit more or less anything. It sticks to most things, cures overnight and is flexible, durable and heat resistant. It’s one of those things that you can’t quite believe hadn’t already been invented.
My first hack was my ironing board. One of the rubber feet had come off and got lost. It made it unstable and the metal end was scratching the nice stone on my kitchen floor. It seemed a bit much to chuck away an otherwise perfect board, so I had my first excuse to open the little packet of Sugru.
Because it’s cured as a flexible silicone, it actually grips better than the plastic feet on the other legs. I might just replace the other three when I get time.
I wanted to enter this into the eSpares “Fix It Yourself” competition in January, but my colleagues kept going on about it not being open to employees. Shame, because I’m pretty certain I would have been a winner. OK, maybe not.
My next hack was to reattach the heat controller for my motorbike’s heated handlebar grips. The bracket broke a while ago and I had it cable-tied on but it kept slipping round. I used two 10g packs to attach it to the handlebars and it’s stayed on despite the best efforts of the cold driving rain at 70mph trying to remove it.
Best of luck to Jane and the rest of the team at Sugru. I love what you’ve created and completely share your view on fixing it yourself.