Easy Rider
March 19, 2010 | eSpares Updates | No comments
The weather in London has been slightly less abominable in the last few days, people have been venturing outside with little more than t-shirts and the odd sunbather (perhaps misguided) has been spotted in green areas. Spring must be upon us.
Spring can be a magical time, the temperature dial begins to creep up, you get a couple of long weekends in May, daffodils bloom… but on London’s streets, a different kind of photosynthesis occurs. After the cold winter months when only the most devoted/foolhardy cycle to work, longer evenings and slightly warmer temperatures cause the less fanatical cyclists like myself to germinate and multiply on to the roads and dedicated cycle paths of the city.
Since my last ride to work at the end of November last year, the muscles I used to move and steer seem to have fallen in to disrepair; after getting in to eSpares Towers on Monday morning I was good for nothing more than going back to bed and moaning about my legs pumping what felt like battery acid. I’ve progressed very slightly over the week, to the point where it’s now Friday afternoon and I don’t feel the need to sleep until I go home and my legs aren’t quite as cramped as they have been on previous days.
My physical failings aside, here at eSpares we think cycling is a great way to get to work; you save money, get some exercise and have a bit of fun too. Ten of us are cyclists at the moment (video star Helen being the most devoted/foolhardy), and our number may grow over the more clement months ahead. We operate the national Ride2Work scheme with the good folks at Evans Cycles, which offers eSpares employees the chance to pay for bikes over twelve months, with significant savings made through tax relief.
Here’s to more sunny mornings and evenings this year; anything to keep us off London Underground can only be a good thing!
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