Who Contributes to the eSpares Blog?
September 14, 2010 | eSpares Updates | No comments
Today I realised that ever since we started the blog, we’ve never formally introduced ourselves. That’s more than six months and almost 80 blog posts, and you could say that’s just bad manners. So let me put things right for you, reader. I know you can see who contributed what with those natty little photos at the bottom of the post, and there’s an About Us page too, but let me do this properly.
Since we started this blog, we’ve had several contributors. Samara used to post, but she has since decided, probably quite sensibly, to live in California. I’ll certainly be quite envious as the days shorten as we get closer to Christmas.
But let me give you a quick rundown on the current contributors. There are six of us – all five members of the Marketing team, and an IT brain as well…
Matt is our Marketing Director, you may remember him from such films as How a tumble dryer works. He’s the boss of the Marketing team, and also stars in loads of How To videos. He tends to blog about technical spare part stuff as well as sharing great money saving tips.
Next there’s our Web Analytics Manager Mike. He’s the guy who goes over our site’s visitor stats with a fine tooth comb – which is why you’ll see him blogging about stuff like eSpares supplying spare parts to 122 different countries.
We’ve got over 140 videos, and Gabe is the guy responsible for shooting and editing them, deciding which videos people want to see and all the logistics that go along with it. He also manages all our video channels – so with Gabe, posts are gonna be pretty video-centric.
Esmé is our Designer – every page on the whole of our website has been designed by her with a whole lot of talent and a good amount of patience too. We constantly try to improve the look and feel of the website, and you’ll see her periodically blog about site updates and improvements. It’s our IT department who make these improvements come to life, with their endless coding, testing and all the technical stuff (a complete mystery to me). David is our IT Director and although he’s not posted yet, we’ll let him off – they’re pretty darned busy in the IT department.
Last of all there’s me, Rory. I’ll be the most regular poster and will post about anything at all, from our new office stereo system to cool videos of mini water cannons.
You’ll be hearing from us soon…
(Left to right) Matt, Esmé, David, Mike and I – the eSpares bloggers. Gabe’s not in it because he’s off today!