Some Really Cool Vacuums
January 11, 2011 | Vacuum Cleaner Repair, Help & Advice | No comments
You’ve got to hand it to Electrolux. They launched their ‘Vac from the Sea‘ campaign last year, aiming to highlight ‘the immediate need for the world to take better care of plastics and support the heroes that do’. A noble cause, I’m sure you’ll agree. To highlight the problem, they’ve harvested plastic debris from ocean sites around the world where ‘the plastic problem is immense’, and created unique, fully working vacuums based on the Electrolux Ultra One Green model.
My personal favourite is the Mediterranean version, which features the sole of a trainer on the front of it. So, hats off to Electrolux, for highlighting such a pressing issue in such an innovative manner.
Find out more about the vacuums and check out the beautiful photos at The Inspiration Room.