Choosing The Right Oil

When Life Gives You Lemons…

…make lemonade, right? WRONG!

When you’ve been cooking your latest calorific creation or playing things fast and loose with cocktails in the garden (steady now) and you’ve got halves of lemon, lime or orange left over, don’t throw them away! Bag those bad boys up in a zip-lock bag and throw them in the freezer!

Then when the heat is reaching equatorial levels (OK, perhaps an exaggeration for British summer but humour me) pull out a chunk of frozen citrus, drop it in your drink and voila!

Not only does the fruit serve as an ice cube to keep your drink cool, it also adds a subtle citrus flavour to whatever choice of beverage you’re quaffing, be it a G & T, Manhattan or even just a good old glass of spring water (fresh from the tap of course).

But why wait for leftovers? Just grab a lemon or lime. Chop it, cube it, slice it – whatever shape takes your fancy – then bag the pieces up and let the freezer do the rest.

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