A Cool Spring Gardening

Spring is here…..no wait, it’s not. The cold weather has decided to out-stay its welcome and suddenly plans for the long Easter weekend might need to change. If you had planned to get in your garden, you can still do so, albeit you might need to take a different approach to tackling (and helping) your greenery.

I stumbled across an article featured on the BBC which is particularly useful in helping to explain how you can still get in your garden and help protect it against the looming cold (for those few days, weeks – hopefully not months – longer)

Some features from the article include:

  • Ensure that plants with tender flower buds or shoots are not planted in east-facing sites.
  • Leave the old growth of tender plants un-pruned over the winter months. This will help protect the central crown of the plant and take the brunt of any frost damage. If plants are cut back hard in autumn, new growth could be damaged by frost.
  • Cold air and frost always descend to the lowest point in a garden so avoid planting tender plants in obvious frost pockets.

If you’ve noticed plants are already damaged from the onslaught of frost there are things you can do to minimise any further damage.

  • Cut back frosted growth in Spring to prevent further die back and encourage plants to produce fresh, new shoots.
  • Dig up small, tender plants and take them indoors. Many will quickly produce new growth and recover, provided they are not subjected to prolonged periods of heavy frost, wet and cold.

Dealing with (deep breath) the snow.

  • Shake excess snow from the branches of large trees, shrubs and hedges to prevent the structures from bending under the weight.
  • Use lengths of string to support the branches of conifers and stop them being pulled out of shape. Branches that move away from the plant won’t spring back into place when the snow melts.
  • Avoid walking on snow-covered grass as it will damage the turf beneath and leave unsightly marks on the lawn. It can also encourage the growth of fungal diseases which thrive in the cool damp conditions.

You can see the full BBC article here.

We’ve also got loads of garden spares and accessories to help you tackle any outdoor space and get it in top shape for the Spring….when it eventually decides to show up.

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